November 6-15, 2015 Istanbul
amberPlatform’s amber’15 Art and Technology Festival is to take place in Istanbul between November 6 to 15, 2015. This year’s theme is “Laboro Ergo Sum”.
We invite you to join amber’15, undergoing a new organisational structure. To apply, click for the application form. Artistic output, installations, performances, curatorial practices, workshops, contemporary dance, concerts, seminars, presentations, panels, academic articles are welcomed.
June 2, 2015, 19:00
As artists, academics, makers, individuals and institutions, you are all invided to the lauch meeting at StudioX. A great occasion to talk face to face and answer your questions!
July 17, 2015 22:00
July 25, 2015 14:00
jury roundtable (location to be verified). In this round the jury is made up of all the applicants. the festival programme is to be created collectively.
August 20, 2015
announcement of the programme
This year, amberPlatform offers a new collective festival model instead of a curated one. amber’15 invites academics, curators, makers and creative individuals (and institutions?) to be part of a sustainable, inclusive, open and common grounds collaboration.
The applicants can vote for the works during the jury roundtable on July 25 and be part of the selection committee of the festival.
As we embark on this new structure, we envision a new and integral ecology of which technology is an essential part, that aims at democratization of the relations of production and consumption; and promotes movements we have been supporting since the very beginning such as open source, free apps, DIY or do it together, ecological activism, sustainable living, urban farming, community (guerrilla) gardening and slow city. We propose a festival in these lines.
amberFestival is the first and only festival in the field of Art and Technology organized in Istanbul, since its inception in 2007.
amberFestival aims at fostering new forms of artistic expression through the possibilities of new technologies. amberFestival promotes new technologies in art.
amberFestival consists of exhibitions of interactive installations, stage performances, artists presentations, seminars and workshops, through out which amberFestival creates a platform for artistic exchange and collaborations. Click to read more