catalog: amber'10 / website:
For the first time in history the World’s urban population has outnumbered its rural counterpart. Cities have become the predominant habitat of humanity. The requirements of rapidly growing cities, coupled with the contemporary technological possibilities bring about new urban reality that is data.
amber’10 takes up the relationship between city and data as its festival theme. With the theme title Datacity, amber’10 proposes to define the modern city as a data cluster in addition to however else the city form may be defined today. We call on artists to interpret the life forms, production and consumption patterns and politics of the Datacity from the vantage point of arts and technology.
amber'10 Art and Technology Festival which has chosen its theme for this year as "Datacity" with the intention of drawing attention to the increasing importance of the generation and utilization of any kind of data on cities and urban life, will also be hosting "amberConference" which is going to be
held for the second time this year focusing on issues around "City andData".
amberFestival organized by BIS (Body Process Arts Association) since 2007, will meet its audience for the fourth time this year.
amberFestival continuing to be the only Art and Tehnology/ Media Arts festival of Turkey is being supported by Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency since 2008.
The main venue of this year's festival, will be Sanat Limanı (Antrepo No:5). Visitors, besides visiting the exhibition including interactive works of invited artists and selected applicants responding to the call, will have the opportunity to participate in workshops and artist presentations as well.
amberConference, organized by BIS in collaboration with Istanbul Modern Cinema within the context of the program of amberFestival, will start with a film screening on 4th November showing a selection of films chosen by the institution in relation to the main theme. It will continue with two lectures/workshops on the 5th and with presentations of articles on the 6th and 7th. The conference will be held at Istanbul Modern Cinema Hall.