catalog: amber'09 / website:
Living in a technologically-mediated environment causes changes and shifts in human habits, postures and behaviors. Technologies have an impact on our perceptions; each new technology demands new practices of body and speech as well as a new comprehension of time and space.
The notion of the cyborg (cybernetic organism) explores the literal and figurative integrations of the human body and technology. A hybrid concept, cyborg links the organic and non-organic and raises questions concerning human corporeality and subjectivity. In the same vein, the field of Art and Technology also elaborates on the transforming and emerging human and addresses the questions of who or what we may become as a result of our increasing engagements with technology.
Based on the recent technological developments and their incorporation in the social, cultural, and political domains, amber’09 explores the consequences of exposing and augmenting our bodies with digital technologies. It aims to elaborate on the body and its relationships in the social and cultural domains, the asymmetrical structures and practices inherent to contemporary societies and the possibilities to break these asymmetries in order to achieve a free and equal society.
Re-visiting and re-thinking the notion of the cyborg, amber'09 asks: Are you (un)Cyborgable?