>>> event site Teknolojik Kültür ve Sanat Konuşmaları Küratörler: Fatih Aydoğdu | Ekmel Ertan Borusan Contemporary Sanat/Teknoloji Konuşmaları 2018–2019 sezonunda Borusan Contemporary ve amberPlatform işbirliğiyle "Tez | Antitez | Protez – Değişen Paradigmalar" başlığı altında düzenleniyor. 2007’den beri bağımsız olarak aktif olan amberPlatform "Beden İşlemsel Sanatlar Derneği [BIS]" çatısı altında 2007–2015 yıllarında Türkiye’nin ilk sanat […]

Public in the Making is a conference-gathering that will take place in Istanbul from 18-20 October, 2018. This event is part of the “trans-making” (https://trans-making.eu/) project, which is supported from 14 countries. by the EU’s Horizon 2020 program and constituted by 20 institutions and some 150 individuals. This gathering invites all those who want to become […]

at ARTIST 2017 – TÜYAP 4-12 November 2017 “…” Bazı cümlelerin sonuna üç nokta koyarız; söylemediğimiz, söylemediklerimiz için. Bu bazen, okuyanın zaten bildiklerini ifade etmeye yarar, bazen yazanın da bilmediklerini. Bazen sadece yazmaya üşenmektendir ya da okuyanı sıkma korkusundan; bazen endişeden, korkudan, ifade edememekten. Bir cümlenin sonudur, cümleyi yeni bir anlam ekleyerek tamamlar. Ama kendi […]

Artist 2016 - Tüyap Artists: Bager Akbay, Burak Arıkan, Günışığı Cihangir, Ali Miharbi, Zeynep Nal Curators: Ekmel Ertan, Fatih Aydoğdu GRAMMAGRAPH Writing has a long history encompassing 3500-4000 years, but contrary to belief, it did not emerge to allow the consideration of possibilities for a better life within the comprehensive realm of literature, nor to live […]
Why Collective Curation? This year, amberPlatform offers a new collective festival model instead of a curated one. amber’15 invites academics, curators, makers and creative individuals (and institutions?) to be part of a sustainable, inclusive, open and common grounds collaboration. The applicants can vote for the works during the jury roundtable on July 25 and be […]

7 NOVEMBER SATURDAY: 12:00- 13:00 "Make Your Robot!" Participant: 15 persons Prerequisite: The workshop has no specific prerequisites. Registry: eser @ amberplatform . org 14:00-15:00 "Coderdojo Meeting Workshop" Participant: 15 persons Prerequisite: Bringing Laptop is advised. Registry: cansu . yalciner @ gmail . com 8 NOVEMBER SUNDAY: 12:00- 13:00 "Coderdojo Meeting Workshop" Participant: 15 persons Prerequisite: […]
AmberPlatform invites contemporary artists to meet with makers for a ‘Maker-Artist gathering’ on July 1 in StudioX. The meeting aims at introducing artists and makers for future collaborations. Following amberPlatform’s presentation, makers will talk about their production process, contemporary artists will elaborate on their approach and new media artists will tell us about what it […]
amberPlatform’s amber’15 Art and Technology Festival is to take place in Istanbul between November 6 to 15, 2015. This year’s theme is “Laboro Ergo Sum”.

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30 May 2013 You can reach theme of amber'12 Art and Technology Festival at the following link Paratactic Commons

03 Jul 2013 The deadline for the call for artworks and articles that would be presented in amber '13 Art and Technology festival was reached at the end of May. The same days Gezi Parkı protests have started. We could not have been ignorant to Gezi. That had an impact on the preparations of amberFestival […]

30 May 2013 Call for Workshops The ICIDS conference series has a long-standing tradition of bringing together theoretical and practical approaches in an interdisciplinary dialogue. The motto for ICIDS 2013 “Connecting Narrative Worlds” expresses this need to build bridges of understanding across different fields to make even better use of the immense potential of interactive […]

Sergi | Performans | Konferans | Tartışma | Workshop | Gösterim Enter 6: Bipolis, doğal ve yapay arasındaki ayrımının belirsizliğine ilişkin, kuramsal veya uygulamaya dayalı, beden ve veri etkileşimini özgün biçimde kullanan çalışmaları çağırıyor. Hayatın geleceği, teknolojinin doğaya münasır olanı ihlal etmesinin etiği hakkında size sorular yöneltelim. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yapay, doğal, bakteri, BCI, Biyo-sinyal, […]

01 Feb 2013 Berlin based Spanish artists Arantxa Martínez and Nilo Gallego’s radio-performance project Emisiones Cacatúa is being adapted to Istanbul in the frame of Special Issue Istanbul, organized by Body Process Arts Association and supported by Goethe Institute. Open Mic Istanbul, designed as a radio broadcast aiming to create a discursive practice within the […]

15 Sep 2012 "Commons Tense: New Media Art from Turkey" 15.–30. September Electriciteitsfabriek / Den Haag / TodaysArt Festival De Constant Rebecqueplein 20, 2518 RA Den Haag Opening : 15. September / 17.30h Workshop : 15–16 September Public-Art Workshop : 17–19 September Seminar & Artist Presentations : 16. September “Commons Tense” exhibits the works of […]

13 Haz 2012 Her sene İstanbul'da gerçekleştirilen Vjfest dünyanın çeşitli noktalarından yeni medya sanatçılarını ağırlamaya başladı. Program 13 Haziran Tuesday@Galata Kulesi-21.00-02.00 MAPPING: Woei, LWZ, Lynx de Luxe & Herr Schoder, Guana-bana VJ-ING: .mrt, mythones, Vjunk & VJ Dogon, Ufo.tv LIVE MUSIC: Surya Project, Violin Alishya, 22.00 Vocal & Guitar Enzo Ikah, E. Cumhur Atar, Percussion Emre Kocabas […]

amberPlatform'un geçen yıl ilk gösterimlerinden birini yaptığı Ekümenopolis'in sokak galası 29 Nisan'da Taksim Gezi Parkı'nda. Yaklaşık altı ay önce tamamlanan belgesel kentte gerçekeleşen yeni uygulamaların ve yapılanların tartışılmasını, kentin değişim ve dönüşümünde halkın da katılımının sağlanmasını amaçlıyor. Bugüne kadar yurt içi ve yurt dışında birçok festivalde, mahallelerde, üniversitelerde, konferanslarda gösterilen belgesel 4 Mayıs'ta sinema perdesinde […]